Harvard University Ties Up with Levis Strauss to Make a Blockchain Based Factory Security System

Harvard University and USA Apparel firm Levi Strauss & Co declared a tie-up with renowned think tank New America. This collaboration aims at developing a blockchain based factory safety system.

This new system is aimed at replacing external factory health and safety auditors with a self-reporting infrastructure by workers.

Three factories manufacturing products for Levis Strauss and employing 5000 workers will be the first to utilize the benefit of this blockchain based safety system this year. This system puts an annual safety survey on the blockchain. Another pilot is planned for next year.

Dr. Eileen McNeely, director of Harvard T.H. Chan’s Sustainability and Health Initiative for NetPositive Enterprise, said, “For the last 25 years, work in supply chains has been monitored mainly by audits.” She further adds, “A distributed system of inquiry on the blockchain that goes right to the source offers a new solution.”

According to the report, a survey is going to use an index created by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Allison Price, executive director of Blockchain Trust Accelerator at New America, says that putting the survey on the blockchain ensures no manipulation in the results.

A New York-based blockchain company will provide this blockchain based system. It is founded by Joseph Lubin who is one of the original authors of the Ethereum network. According to a report, this project is funded through a behemoth from the US State Department.

Tomicah Tillemann, founder of the Blockchain Trust Accelerator at New America says that with the help of this blockchain based solution, it will now be possible to offer a secure, standardized, auditable and transparent portal. And this portal can be utilized to aggregate and analyze the worker survey data.

Hence, blockchain is now going to be utilized to create a platform that can track and measure factory worker health and well-being. It is the latest application of blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology has been revolutionizing the world with its great potential and capability to provide utmost security and privacy to a system. Industries from various sectors such as healthcare, finance, logistics, and Gaming are adopting blockchain technology in their systems to increase the safety and privacy of the data therein.

Stephen Wall: Stephen Wall has joined FinanceTwenty team as a financial news writer and analyst. He has years of financial market experience with foremost publications. He has also worked in several famous financial institution. Currently, he contribute daily stock market updates and in depth analysis of leading stocks.